FM25 delayed until March 2025: why there's no official FM24 update and how you can still enjoy the latest season's data.
Why isn’t there an official FM24 update?
It might seem simple—just lift the new season’s data and slot it into FM24, right? Well, not quite. Sports Interactive explained that moving assets from FM25 to FM24 isn't possible without completely recreating them for the older game.
It turns out, there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than just plugging in new players and transfers. The database updates, competition rules, and all that good stuff are tied up with FM25’s core structure. Recreating all of that for FM24 would be a massive task, and it would take critical time away from the development of FM25.
It’s all about quality – FM25 is the priority
The team made it clear that they’re focused on giving us the best FM25 possible. As much as they’d love to provide an update for FM24, doing so would compromise their resources and possibly delay FM25 even further. Nobody wants that!
They also mentioned that all the changes they’d need to make can’t be backported to FM24 due to licensing issues. So, it’s just not feasible, no matter how much the community wants it.
What can you do while waiting for FM25?
We’ve written a guide on how to do this, so if you’re itching to keep your game fresh, check it out here. It’s the perfect way to get as close to FM25 as possible without the official updates.
What if you’ve already pre-ordered FM25?
If you’ve pre-purchased FM25 and are feeling a bit unsure after hearing about the delay, you can always contact your retailer for a refund. Sports Interactive has made it clear they understand some of you might want to wait, and they’re making that process simple.
FM25 is still coming – and it’ll be worth the wait
Sure, the delay is frustrating, but the team is working hard to deliver a polished, fully-realized game come March 2025. In the meantime, we can keep FM24 fun and engaging with updated data and save ideas to tide us over.
So, while we’re all waiting, take advantage of the cool community content and keep enjoying FM24—it’s still got plenty to offer!