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FM Blog helps thousands of people worldwide have a great time playing Football Manager.
Our in-depth lists of the best players in the game, insightful guides, and listicles attract a huge community of passionate and highly engaged people in areas such as football, video games, sporting goods, and more.
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Are you seeking to reach a large audience of football fans who are tech-savvy, familiar with digital software, and keen to play, bet or buy online? Do you need a targeted and cost-effective way to build brand awareness, engage and inform your target audience, and attract more people to your site? FM Blog can help you reach your goals.
Boost your website's visibility through our specialized social media campaigns. Our strength lies in genuine, organic growth—we've built a dedicated community of over 280,000 real followers with no shortcuts or purchased influence. Impressively, this active and engaged audience interacts with our content more than 4 million times each month across all three major platforms. Partner with us to leverage unparalleled engagement and real, impactful growth.
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FM Blog offers a wide range of advertising options, including;
Enhance your website's visibility by featuring it in an article on our esteemed platform. Standard placements are distinctly marked as 'Sponsored' to ensure transparency with our audience. However, by choosing our premium option, you have the exclusive opportunity to seamlessly integrate your feature without the 'Sponsored' tag, offering a more organic reach to our readers. Should you require our expert writing services to craft the article, an additional fee of £50 will be applied. Elevate your brand with our tailored content solutions. (example)
Level | Sponsored tag | Duration | Price £ |
Standard Sponsored* | [Yes] | 1 year | 250.00 |
Premium Placement** | [No] | 1 year | 300.00 |
Lifetime Feature*** | [No] | ∞Indefinitely | 350.00 |
*Standard Sponsored - This level is straightforward, indicating that it's the basic option that includes a 'Sponsored' tag, offering visibility for one year at the price of £250.00.
**Premium Placement - This level removes the 'Sponsored' tag for a cleaner, more integrated appearance, maintaining a one-year duration but with an elevated presence for £300.00.
***Lifetime Feature - The highest tier, offering a 'Sponsored' tag-free article with the unique benefit of an indefinite duration, providing the utmost in long-term visibility and engagement for £350.00.
Social Media
Media | Users | Price Per Post £ |
Twitter (X) | 62.000+ | 200.00 |
Facebook Page | 72.000+ | 250.00 |
Facebook Group | 152.000+ | 450.00 |
Everything Offer | 286.000+ | 650.00 (28% OFF) |
# | Country | % Users | English |
1. | United Kingdom | 39.61% | Yes-Native |
2. | United States | 5.22% | Yes-Native |
3. | Turkey | 3.54% | 93.11% |
4. | France | 3.05% | 91.22% |
5. | Indonesia | 3.02% | Yes |
6. | Portugal | 2.86% | 95.66% |
7. | Netherlands | 2.57% | Yes |
8. | Denmark | 2.31% | Yes |
9. | Germany | 2.14% | 98.62% |
10 | Australia | 2.03% | Yes-Native |
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