One of the most downloaded and the best custom skins made for Football Manager 2019, the Andromeda FM19 Skin, is released and works well with both high and low resolution screens.
About FM19 Andormeda Skin
This skin is an absolute must have when it comes to majority of the FM's community favorite custom made skins downloads.
This will be the last Andromeda custom skin made for Football Manager, with its creator Rick A.S. revealing this in one of his posts in the Andromeda dedicated Facebook group.
So more on graphical aspects of the skin.
It will work both on high resolution graphics as well on low ones.
However for the Low resolution 1366 x 768 you must be USING ZOOM 85%!
You can change the zoom level from game's Preferences > Interface > Size of Text and Images > Change to 85%.

Be sure that Clear Cache and Reload skin images when confirming changes options are enabled as well.
Download Low Resolution Version of FM19 Andromeda Skin
[Download Low Resolution FM19 Andromeda Skin ##download##]
[Low resolution 1366 x 768 / Small sidebar Option ##download##]
[Greek & Russian Low res versions ##download##]
[Greek & Russian Low res versions Small sidebar ##download##]
Download High Resolution Version of FM19 Andromeda Skin
[Normal Sidebar Version ##download##]
[Small sidebar Version ##download##]
[Greek & Russian Normal sidebar version ##download##]
[Greek & Russian Small sidebar version ##download##]
Andromeda Skin Preview

Other custom graphics used by the author include;
- Cut Out Facepack Megapack
- TCM19 Logos Megapack
- Kits By Patres10
- Cities Megapack
- Mini Stadiums Superpack
- Trophies Megapack
Credits and Support Page
All credits for this amazing skin go to community member Rick, and you may ask for skin changes and fixes in his Andromeda group.