Harry Lewis: Basic Player Info
- Name: Harry Lewis
- Contracted To: Southampton FC U23
- Date of Birth / Age: 20/12/1997 / 20 years old
- Nationality: English
- Height / Weight: 191cm / 77kg
- Preferred Foot: Right
- Value / Wage: €500K (£450K) / €1.1K p/w (£1K p/w)
- Position: Goalkeeper
- Similar To: Jack Butland
Harry Lewis: Starting Attributes in FM18

Harry Lewis is a young goalkeeper who could improve a lot in the future.
He possesses a balanced and normal personality, good traits for a young player.
Lewis counts towards the squad registration rule of minimum eight players who have trained in England for three years before 21st birthday.
He is considered to be good at shot stopping.
Harry Lewis current ability makes him very well suited to Sky Bet League One football, needs to work on becoming more consistent if he is to develop further.
Harry Lewis: Attributes in 2025 Season

Harry Lewis is a complete role model for younger players at the club.
He is now a current international with plenty of experience on this level.
Good player for most Premier League sides and a player that counts towards the minimum of 8 players that trained in England for three years before 21st birthday.
Lewis also counts towards a minimum of 8 players trained in England for three years between 15th and 21st birthdays squad registration rule.
He is considered good at shot stopping and seems to fit in reasonably well with most of the squad.
Eight years into a save and there no more any cons to Harry Lewis game, he developed quite nicely.
Harry Lewis: Career History Until 2025

Harry Lewis: Summary
Harry Lewis is a decent youth player at the start of the Football Manager 2018 career saves.
You can snatch him for Southampton FC for an amount of €500K (£450K).
Lewis can be your first-choice goalkeeper for 10+ years in your save.
He became a role model for my under 23s players, excellent tutor material.
Harry has a stable personality and is considered as a leader by the players in the locker room.
Give him trust, and he will repay it back in dividends.
Thanks for reading and I hope you will find this player guide of Harry Lewis useful.
Good luck.