Ever wanted to know how to fix your potentially corrupted FM save, follow this Football Manager guide that could fix your corrupted save.
If your system shut down or crashed mid-save then the file will be corrupted and cannot be fixed.
Likewise if you game has been force closed for any reason there is a chance of save game corruption.
The only opportunity to get the save back is to try and use Windows ‘Restore Previous Versions’ function. This will not always be on by default so may only work for some users.
No one likes it when their save corrupts, but there are few methods that you can use to save your Football Manager save or prevent your future save from getting corrupted.
How to Fix Corrupted Football Manager Save
1) Locate the following folder;
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 20xx > games
2) Right click on the save that is corrupt:
For Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 10 select ‘Restore previous versions‘
3) If there is a previous versions then select the most recent restore option
4) Open Football Manager and see if the restored save file fixes your corrupt save
5) If this does not fix the corrupted save them unfortunately your save has been completely lost
Minimise damage of future Football Manager save corruptions
In order to avoid worrying about a corrupt save I recommend applying auto save to your Football Manager save.
To apply auto save follow the below guide:
1) On the Football Manager menu select ‘Preferences’
2) Enable auto save by making sure the auto save option is ticked
You can select to auto save your game every: day, week, fortnight, month, three month, year, five years.
I would recommend at a minimum you auto save every month, however I auto save ever week.
When you have auto save selected the chances of saving your corrupted save increase, though you may end up going back a few days on your save, your save will still be working.