It's time to take a look at the best creative forces in Football Manager 2016, our next position - attacking midfielders centre, playmakers.
How I graded and selected players who made the cut to be on the list of 10 best players in FM16, Current and Potential ability combined. Higher their current ability means better ranking for the player on the list.
If two players have the same Current ability, then the Potential ability comes in as a deciding factor. Normally, higher the Potential Ability, better placing for the player on the 10 Best list of players in Football Manager 2016.
I have been doing these list for quite some time now and if you are wondering how the lists looked back in FM2014 or FM2015 then check the Best Players in FM14 or the Best Players in FM15.
If the player is already included in the Best FM16 Wonderkids list it doesn't mean that he can't be included in the best FM2016 players list as well.
So let us start with the 10 Best Attacking Mifielders Centre in Football Manager 2016 list
#10 Christian Eriksen - Tottenham - Nat:

#9 Mario Götze - FC Bayern Munchen - Nat:

#8 Samir Nasri - Manchester City - Nat:

#7 Santiago Cazorla - Arsenal - Nat:

#6 Kevin De Bruyne - Manchester City - Nat:

#5 Juan Mata - Manchester United - Nat:

#4 Isco - Real Madrid - Nat:

#3 Mesut Özil - Arsenal - Nat:

#2 James Rodríguez - Real Madrid - Nat:

#1 David Silva - Manchester City - Nat:
